Miss Sloane

Screen Writing

The first episode of the new season of In the Actor’s Studio (Bravo, Season 22, Ep 1) features Jessica Chastain giving a not to be missed masterclass in acting technique.  If you want to see Chastain in what I believe to be the best performance of her career, do not miss Miss Sloane.  She has already received a Golden Globe nomination and absolutely deserves an Oscar nomination.

The film kept me engrossed throughout.  Chastain was ably supported by a strong ensemble whom Miss Sloane chews up easier than the pills that she is constantly popping.  This is The Devil Wears Strada on steroids.  The acting, camera work, editing, story and music all excel creating emotion, suspense, humor and at times excitement.  This will not be one of the top 100 films of all time but it is in my mind exactly what filmmaking is supposed to be and accomplish.

The director ensures that several themes are clearly presented even if a couple are left unresolved.  The film makes its points without preaching.

Can’t wait for the DVD or OnDemand so I can see it again and I am sure take even more from it.


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